.. index:: Contributors Contributors ------------ The GenChem system was created over many years: David Simpson, Norwegian Meteorological Institute & Chalmers, 1998-2020: wrote original GenChem.pl scripts, the boxChem system, assorted helper scripts (do.GenChem, boxplots.py, etc.), and python3 conversion. Alan Briolat, Stockholm Environment Institute at York, 2013: wrote the first python version: GenChem.py. Hannah Imhof, Chalmers, 2016: added extra flexibility and types of arrays (e.g. factor groups), plus further scripts. Added CRI and MCM chemical mechanisms. John Johansson, Chalmers, 2017-2020: worked with and improved many scripts from the GenChem system. Robert Bergström, Chalmers and SMHI, 2017-2020: development of chemical mechanisms (e.g. EmChem19a family, VBS schemes) for gas and aerosols. Alvaro Valdebenito, Norwegian Meteorological Institute, 2018-2019, various bug-fixes and updates. Added pollen. Michael Priestley, Univ. Gothenburg, 2020. Added Docker system and testing for Windows PCs. .. comment:: ** NOTE !! This user-guide is a work-in-progress manual on the GenChem system, with this interim version produced for interested users, Nov. 2019. **